Our services.

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Rooftop Solar

Nearly every type of roof is compatible for solar. Asphault composite shingles, metal, cedar shake, and even concrete roofs are all compatible with our racking.

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Solar Storage

While storage can be used in many applications, the success of the storage technology is intimately tied to solar because of its potential for meteoric growth in the solar sector.

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Service & Repair

You’ve invested money into your solar system with the expectation that it will assist you in meeting at least some of your energy needs. If the system is under-performing call us today!

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Ground Mount

Need a system larger than your roof can provide? Is your roof shaded but you have a large, open space nearby? A ground mounted system could be right for you.

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EV Chargers

Do you have an electric vehicle but are still paying your utility company for power? Switch to solar and charge your car on sunshine with PV to EV charger.

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Critter Guards & Snow Guards

To combat damage from animals and the buildup of flammable materials, solar providers commonly offer “critter guards,” which are strips of metal screening resembling high-quality chicken wire that can be attached along the sides of rooftop panels.